Nina's Super Cool World

by ImperfectLine

nina chanel abney
super cool world
genesis project

As a huge fan of Nina, I am extremely excited to see her release her project. She is advised and a part of the magnificent team at GODA. I have been following her for around four years now. The first time I saw her work was at the Norton Museum in West Palm Beach. The scale of the canvases at this show were truly incredible.

Nina is mostly known for her collages and portrayal of black people through her lens. Her work is simple to the eye but her technique allows for an easily identifiable style. She has worked with a developer and illustrator to properly execute her new project called Nina's Super Cool World.

Nina's Super Cool World will consist of 5,080 NFTs that will cost 0.5E each on July 13th, 2022. What seems like a lot of money is actually relatively cheap to obtain a Nina Chanel. Her prints sell for 20k-100k and paintings upward of 1M. I won't blink at the opportunity to buy one of these. Goda pass owners will have first dibs at this mint.

Nina believes this project will allow her to engage with her collectors on another level. Currently, she talks to collectors every once in a while through Instagram. This project will allow her to merge her digital audience with her physical exhibitions. Nina is extending her collector base at a more affordable cost which will only further her reach globally. A trailblazer in the traditional world will now put her footprint on the digital trails.

Additionally, on the pre-mint website, it is stated that "Super Cool World holders may get access to exclusive Nina merchandise, collaborative product releases, airdrops, events, incentivized participation in exhibitions, and surprise raffle drawings". Speaking as someone who buys art with no intentions of seeking additional utility it is interesting yet amazing to see a traditional, contemporary artist making these strides for utility for her genesis project.

Additionally, the ICA Miami has acquired a NSCW for their permanent collection. This is amazing to see, and cements that NFTs have a place in art history. I expect this to happen more frequently with time.

Here is the NFT they acquired.

Here are additional NFTs from the collection.

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